50 research outputs found

    Coronary artery calcium in the population-based ImaLife study:relation to cardiovascular risk factors and cognitive function

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of cardiovascular disease and its primary prevention is promising to reduce health and economic burden. Risk assessment is the core of primary prevention of CAD. The coronary artery calcium (CAC) score, a surrogate for coronary atherosclerosis, is a promising imaging biomarker that can improve cardiovascular risk prediction. Perquisitions of wide implementation of CAC scoring for cardiovascular risk management include standardized quantification methods and validated reference values. In this thesis, the study design and rationale of the ImaLife study is described, and CAC score distribution is investigated in relation to cardiovascular risk factors and cognitive function in a general Dutch population. The research is performed in the framework of the ImaLife study, which is embedded in the Lifelines cohort in the northern part of the Netherlands. Results show that cardiovascular risk can be reliably assessed based on CAC scoring on non-ECG-triggered chest CT with a third-generation, dual-source CT scanner in high-pitch mode. The CAC score may substantially impact CAD risk assessment. Besides, the CAC score per se can be a surrogate outcome of clinical CAD and, therefore, can be helpful in identifying new risk factors for CAD. In addition, the CAC score seems to be promising in predicting the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. Future prospective longitudinal studies should evaluate the predictive value of CAC score for CAD and dementia, as well as the relationship between new risk factors and CAC

    BL-MNE: Emerging Heterogeneous Social Network Embedding through Broad Learning with Aligned Autoencoder

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    Network embedding aims at projecting the network data into a low-dimensional feature space, where the nodes are represented as a unique feature vector and network structure can be effectively preserved. In recent years, more and more online application service sites can be represented as massive and complex networks, which are extremely challenging for traditional machine learning algorithms to deal with. Effective embedding of the complex network data into low-dimension feature representation can both save data storage space and enable traditional machine learning algorithms applicable to handle the network data. Network embedding performance will degrade greatly if the networks are of a sparse structure, like the emerging networks with few connections. In this paper, we propose to learn the embedding representation for a target emerging network based on the broad learning setting, where the emerging network is aligned with other external mature networks at the same time. To solve the problem, a new embedding framework, namely "Deep alIgned autoencoder based eMbEdding" (DIME), is introduced in this paper. DIME handles the diverse link and attribute in a unified analytic based on broad learning, and introduces the multiple aligned attributed heterogeneous social network concept to model the network structure. A set of meta paths are introduced in the paper, which define various kinds of connections among users via the heterogeneous link and attribute information. The closeness among users in the networks are defined as the meta proximity scores, which will be fed into DIME to learn the embedding vectors of users in the emerging network. Extensive experiments have been done on real-world aligned social networks, which have demonstrated the effectiveness of DIME in learning the emerging network embedding vectors.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Full paper is accepted by ICDM 2017, In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

    Continuous Prompt Tuning Based Textual Entailment Model for E-commerce Entity Typing

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    The explosion of e-commerce has caused the need for processing and analysis of product titles, like entity typing in product titles. However, the rapid activity in e-commerce has led to the rapid emergence of new entities, which is difficult to be solved by general entity typing. Besides, product titles in e-commerce have very different language styles from text data in general domain. In order to handle new entities in product titles and address the special language styles problem of product titles in e-commerce domain, we propose our textual entailment model with continuous prompt tuning based hypotheses and fusion embeddings for e-commerce entity typing. First, we reformulate the entity typing task into a textual entailment problem to handle new entities that are not present during training. Second, we design a model to automatically generate textual entailment hypotheses using a continuous prompt tuning method, which can generate better textual entailment hypotheses without manual design. Third, we utilize the fusion embeddings of BERT embedding and CharacterBERT embedding with a two-layer MLP classifier to solve the problem that the language styles of product titles in e-commerce are different from that of general domain. To analyze the effect of each contribution, we compare the performance of entity typing and textual entailment model, and conduct ablation studies on continuous prompt tuning and fusion embeddings. We also evaluate the impact of different prompt template initialization for the continuous prompt tuning. We show our proposed model improves the average F1 score by around 2% compared to the baseline BERT entity typing model

    Learning to Select from Multiple Options

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    Many NLP tasks can be regarded as a selection problem from a set of options, such as classification tasks, multi-choice question answering, etc. Textual entailment (TE) has been shown as the state-of-the-art (SOTA) approach to dealing with those selection problems. TE treats input texts as premises (P), options as hypotheses (H), then handles the selection problem by modeling (P, H) pairwise. Two limitations: first, the pairwise modeling is unaware of other options, which is less intuitive since humans often determine the best options by comparing competing candidates; second, the inference process of pairwise TE is time-consuming, especially when the option space is large. To deal with the two issues, this work first proposes a contextualized TE model (Context-TE) by appending other k options as the context of the current (P, H) modeling. Context-TE is able to learn more reliable decision for the H since it considers various context. Second, we speed up Context-TE by coming up with Parallel-TE, which learns the decisions of multiple options simultaneously. Parallel-TE significantly improves the inference speed while keeping comparable performance with Context-TE. Our methods are evaluated on three tasks (ultra-fine entity typing, intent detection and multi-choice QA) that are typical selection problems with different sizes of options. Experiments show our models set new SOTA performance; particularly, Parallel-TE is faster than the pairwise TE by k times in inference. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/jiangshdd/LearningToSelect.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202